I'm here to revive my blog! Haha actually just to thank ppl.
Thanks to:
Mummy, Daddy, Yan, Eugene, Liangsai, Guan Teng, Rachel, Li Ting, Vic-ki, Ee Chu, Jia Wei, Calvin, Joyce Tham, Elizabeth, Joyce Chee, Dina, Jia Chen, Jiawei, Shimin, Jia Ying, Sylvia, Pei Rong, Swee Chen, Zhen Sheng, Lionel, Luther, Yong Jie, Clarice, Yong Chian, Jelly, Edwin, Xiang Jing, Irene, Mrs Goh, Yaze, Yuzhen, Valerie, May, Magdalene, Lydia, Pook, Preston, Xiao Hui, Jonathan, Yeexin, Qianwen, Zong Xian, Sabrina, Pei Hua, Hwei Ee, Shilbe, Charlene, Yang Lu, Xian Chun, Zhou Jing, Grace, Caroline, Angelia, Jin Dao, Aunty Sharon
I hope I didn't miss out anyone:)
I told someone I'll post this up. I forgot who though -.-
Just go to almost any nycbian's blog.
You will see that nycb is not to be defeated. nycb know that they did their very best as one big family. they know that it is not the results that matter. they know that it is the times they spent together and the bonds that they have forged that are important. they know that despite the disappointment, they have to move on and they will. they know that even after today, regardless of what people may think, their passion will never die and that they are the music while the music lasts. they know that they are unbeatable.
This is what nycb is all about.
And I am very proud that I was once a nycbian and that I will forever remain as a nycb alumni.
Well done juniors! All the seniors are very proud of you :)
Thank you for giving us a chance to listen to our beloved nycb again. The music that contains all your passion, heart and soul. It's the best we can ever ask for.
What other people think don't matter. Because deep in our hearts, we all know that nycb is a platinium band.
We are Nothing You Can Beat!