Yay! It's missions convention this weekend. So exciting! I wonder what we'll be doing... But I know that it'll be fun. My cell actually got a lot more guys than girls but for the missions convention, only 1 guy is going so the girls overpower the guys haha. Poor Samuel... I hope we can have more cell stuff, like cell outings etc. It will be nice and we can bond more.
Oh ya, one more exciting thing is that we're having the MINDS carnival again this year! The good/ not so good thing is that it's on the day of my LA exam. The good thing is that I can go there earlier cuz can leave after the exam ends. The not so good thing is that I cannot go home and study after exam. But i guess the carnival is more important. After all, i still have the weekend to study.
And I am going to do well for Math this year, esp for paper two. I have like three days to practise my Math before the paper two and that's like the last paper so i have nothing else to study during that three days. But Sciences die already. They're like one after another. Chemistry, Physics then Biology. And I haven't even started studying Chem and Phy :(
And we have a lot of homework this hols. About 3 past year papers for each subject. I better go study now.