Today is Sunday! Just came back from church. Cell was quite fun today, with all the guys being so entertaining as usual. They were like throwing all the food around the room, including jellybeans and open packets of sour power. We had a little serious discussion then Ivan's cell came to join us to play games.
Erm as for the games, we played murderer but it was quite difficult with so many people in the room. One very funny thing happened. Ivan was looking at Charlotte and Charlotte happened to blink then Ivan thought he was dead. He announced it and Charlotte wondering who killed him, looked around. Then Ivan was like saying "wow, the murderer really can act very well". Then after the game ended then he realised that Charlotte was not the murderer. Haha, he 'died' for nothing.
Then we played questions only. It was quite fun and funny with the guys going on and on about the elect thing. Basically I think today in cell, we laughed more than any other thing we did. That's a good thing right?
I'm trying to find a nice godly theme for my blogskin. Cuz I want to change mine and want to try to personalise it. Looked through a lot of skins to get inspiration but the only thing I found out the that theme that I actually wanted to use is already used by somone else. Haiz...