Missions convention was fun! And Samuel wasn't the only guy cuz we joined cell with Rayson's cell and they had 3 guys. So in the end, the girls were outnumbered again... Anyway, we had a great time although we didn't manage to finish all the 5 stations. Actually we only did 2 out of the five but as uncle ronald said, it's the trying that matters haha.
The first place which was 'figured out' was golden mile complex so we decided to take 961 there since it's a straight bus. On the way there, we sort of figured out the other places. And since one of the places is geylang and it's so far, we decided to go there first. The bus ride was like 2 hrs... and ppl were sleeping even though we haven't really started! Anyway, at geylang, we ate durians. They were really nice and sweet. But there were quite a few ppl who didn't like durians but they were forced to eat it anyway. Ivan ran to buy sweets immediately after that then Elissa told him that she had sweets in her bag, haha.
And we made quite a huge mistake. There was one clue that said: the second gateway in the east for international exchange. After looking at the map, we saw 'the gateway' and we were so excited cuz we thought we found the place. When we went there, we were still planning to shout and scream cuz we managed to find our way there. Fortunately we didn't or we would have made a fool out of ourselves cuz it was the wrong place! so embarrassing... the right place was supposed to be at changi airport terminal 2. haiz... who will think of that lah!
Anyway, after going to peninsular plaza, we decided to go back to church. So we took 961 again... and this time, all of us fell asleep. Andreas and Lemuel were taking pictures of Elissa sleeping. Poor Elissa... Yup, then we got to eat dinner! Everybody ran to the table like we haven't eaten for days. And it was fun telling everybody about how we only completed 2 stations...
Ok, end of missions convention. Today is the first day of term 4! This means that there are only 3 more weeks to exams... and i still have a lot of stuff to study!!! And Chinese exam is this wed and bsp exam is this fri! And I haven't started studying. The best is getting back my tuition exam paper yesterday. I got like 7.5/20 for my suo1 duan3 chang2 wen2. So encouraging...
I must work harder! Do better for EOYs! So that I can get into the same class as a certain person(a bit difficult lah but I'll try). And why nobody wants to take bio?:(
Yay! Daddy's coming back on Wed:)