Oh man. My holidays don't seem like a holiday. To the extent that I totally forgot that it was holidays-.- I was like telling mummy today 'poly holiday already...' then she said 'you're also having holidays what'. and i went 'oh ya i'm having holidays too'. SEE SEE. it doesn't even feel like a holiday :/
anyway, went to watch yan debate today. it was quite an eye opener (not can openerXD ) I think they did well:) And her friends are funny haha. And i saw Ms Lye. She still remembers me o.O Nanyang got champion :D So we went to celebrate after that. Went Seoul Garden to eat :D
I have math consult tmr and lots of undone math questions :/ screwed for prelims. Oh it's past 12 already. It's not tmr. It's TODAY... like later.