Nothing much happened today since I woke up so late. Not much time left for things to happen anyway. Washed toilet and went ama house then came back.
Shall wake up early tmr for nice breakfast:) And so that I don't waste time and can start doing my work asap. Think I have quite some stuff to do. Haven't even thought abt work since after school on Fri.
Why doesn't Jiachen and May come online?! The later they come online, the later I'll tell them what they have to do and the less time they'll have to do it. Not my fault, they dun want to come online. Oh, maybe Jiachen will read this and he'll come online sometime soon. FYI, the deadline is Tue!
Haiz... stuff that I never want anyone to know. No point blogging in uncomprehensible sentences cuz ppl will figure it out somehow.
But there something I can say cuz I'm very sure that nobody will know what I'm talking about: I feel selfish. They can guess but they'll never get it.
Yay! The start of the school week is Tuesday! :)