Guess what time I woke up today? I woke up at 1.30pm. So pro right? This is the lastest that I've ever woken up-.- Slept at ard 1.30am last night so slept for 12 hours!
Yup, made pancakes for brunch. They were really nice. Thanks! But eat two pancakes only super full already... I bet you can eat more than 5 and still not enough.
Ok, shall attempt to plan my studying timetable for block test. Got lots of topics!
Thanks for caring and listening to all my crap:)
Yay! Arts fest on wed. And we're the first item so supposed to end quite early. But we always drag until very late de. I really hope I can go out for dinner after that. Everytime read ppl's blogs and hear ppl talk abt the fun stuff that happen during dinner then feel left out:( And get said to be anti-social...