That was the valentine's day post. This will be a more normal and general post:) Hmm... let me think why I haven't blogged for so long. Mon had sectionals then didn't come home that early. Tuesday had lots of time. But I slacked it away by sleeping the whole afternoon then had to rush homework at night. Wed had cross-country, piano lessons and had to make muffins for valentine's day. Thurday rush homework again. Ya. That's why. I'm a da4 mang2 ren2! For the past few days have been sleeping quite late then wake up at 5.15am! So actualyl quite tired now. But I shall finish this post first:)
Ya, this morning had CLL lesson. It was just normal. Felt a bit sleepy. Then we had GP essay test! Luckily I didn't fall asleep halfway. I think my essay was quite crap as usual, and not enough depth. And somemore I think they expect more in jc, so ya... Then had chem tutorial. Went through redox. A bit clearer on the comcepts now. Then at 12pm, we finally had a break! And I realised that I eat slower than Jiawei! I thought he used to eat slower than me. Then end up they all wait for me, with jelly complaining aboiut my eating speed again... Yup, then had math lecture. I don't like tutorial 5B! I spent 0.5 hour trying to do the first part of question 1! There are 10 questions in that tutorial lah. Dunno how I'm going to finish:( After that had another 1 hr break which I slacked away and had CT session. CT session was useless. It was some total defence day programme though I don't really see the link between that and total defence day. I was sleeping throughout the first film but the second one was rather interesting. And they always like to use our late coming as an excuse to extend the CT session! Aiyo, their time management not good then admit lah. We were 10 mins late and they ended the session 20 mins late, then still say "see lah. That's because all of you were late." I don't see how our 10 mins late can become 20 mins. After that we could finally go home:)
Then Josiah asked me to go for prayer meeting so I went. There were quite few people there cuz some went mission trip, some went for their parent's cell group reunion dinner and others were just busy. We prayed for the JAE results:) ya, after that I went to Josh's house for my parents' cell group reunion dinner. I thought Joyce and Janielson would be there as well then I can see Joyce's brother but they didn't go:( haha, then I was late, so left Josh with all the small kids, watching spongebox squarepants.
Oh ya, we're getting a new computer tmr! So exciting:) It's coming at 9am. That means I have to wake up before 9:( Seldom can get to wake up late. I remember there was one Sat when I woke up at almost 12 noon. Super late. So, I should go and sleep now. Oh and a lot of people are influenced by Yan and I and wrote the 10 people thing. At first I thought only Thaddeus and Josiah. Then today realised that Tian Yong and Andrew did it too. And many got more people that I don't know about. And elizabeth did it too. Haha, we're influencial:)
See, I updated. And it's super long somemore. Happy? Faster update yours lah! Yours also so un-updated:P And you were supposed to do 2 people a day. The next time you blog arh... got more than 10 already...