Haven't blogged for quite long. In the school library now. My CT went out of school to play time attack but I got LEP language test so stay behind so now I'm like slacking at the library. They're only coming back at 12 I think. Still got 1 hour. Then from 12 to 1 is break. Anyway, thanks Ee Chu for lending me ur username and password:) Or else I'll really be stoning now. Actually I think won't lah. Got so many books to read. Oh ya, I forgot that tmr got campfire so will reach home very late. Dunno still can go online or not. Ok, I shall talk abt the week.
Erm, Tue was the last day we were in our OGs. On Wed, we were split up into our CTs. My CTs has like a super wide variety of people. Come from a lot of different schools. I'm the only Nanyang girl there. Do you believe it??? Like one third of the cohort is from Nanyang and there's nobody else in my class? Ya, so I don't know anybody in my class at all. But nvm, can make new friends:) Then only got 5 hci guys haha. The rest are from mgs, scgs, st. nicks, cresent, catholic high, Nanhua etc. Then there are also some foreigners. Diversity...
Oh ya, very funny. There's this girl in my CT called Joyce and another girl called Grace. Haha, so coincidental. Yesterday during CCA exhibition, I saw Yuan Hao. He was here with his friends to do some breakdance exhibition I think. It was quite cool. I signed up for band! :) I also saw Ian, who told asked me to join first aid, but I refused. Ya, we also had junior meet senior session. Jac is in my senior class:) Then she was like "Huh? You're the only Nanyang girl in the class?" Haha, cuz it's quite unbelievable. Then we played some game whereby we pick a piece of paper frm the box then do whatever the instructions say. Jia Jun and I got dare then they wanted us to do the Wild Wild Wet dance, the butt jerk part-.- It's like a standard forfeit since we learnt the dance. So uncreative... Oh, we're going to play the angel mortal game again:) yay! It's quite fun to write letters. I got my mortal already. It's a guy. But I haven't write letter yet cuz yesterday no time, or rather I didn't make time to write lah. And Dinnie knows that Joyan is her angel already. It's like only the 5th day of school...
We had OG dinner last night. Ordered pizza in. Then we were playing those wu liao game like 'black magic'. That kind bluff people one. Didn't know that so many people dun know abt those lame stuff. Very funny. Make them guess like siao. Martin was super funny lah. The stuff he come up with is super humorous. Then we had 'storytelling session' by Jackie and Darren. Tell all the funny stuff that happened between Darren and Martin. And Gina and Amandas ended it off with lame jokes. I heard most of them before. Ya, but it was quite fun. We also took pics. Used the camera timer then Jia Jun had to press like a lot of buttons then run back to join us in 10 secs. Had lots of fun using the timer. Like so retarded, can get so excited over this kind of things. But it was really fun:)
Ya, think that all for now. Shall go eat first so can do the preparations for campfire during the break.