haha i dunno what to blog abt. too many things happened during the week.
i made eggtarts today! haha it tastes not bad for a first try:)
you wanted to know how i did it right. well, basically i didn't really do anything. i just listened to their concerns and their reasons for not wanting to go. I didn't like try to persuade them to go actually cuz i don't think it's not much of a use. I just tried to propose alternative solutions to their concerns so that they don't seem that big a factor. Ultimately, the decision is theirs. I won't try to force them to go if they don't want to. No point if they're not happy in the end.
same for you. sorry i haven't been thinking abt it the whole day. but i guess it's really abt what ur motivation is ba. like i told u, though i'm not against it, i am not like super enthu abt it either. but i guess i'm going because my friends are going and also cuz i don't want to turn out regretting it in the future. i think maybe u can think abt that point. like if u look back next time, will u regret ur decision. haha quite useful in making decisions i think. but well, maybe not very helpful for u. i'll think abt it and tell u if i get any inspiration XD
i'm glad that i'm in my part of the class. it may not be the 'main' clique or something. but i'm comfortable in it. and i feel valued(for lack of better word) sort of. like today, i'm glad that people can 'confide' in me and that i was of some help. i think a lot of the things i do are because of the people around me that i care about. i don't want them to be unhappy i guess. if the little things i do or sacrifice can make someone's day then why not? it doesn't take a lot of effort to go for a concert to support someone even though no one u know is going. or spend a bit of time helping a friend when he/she doesn't understand something. accompanying someone to buy something because u know they like company. these may seem small, but it can really make someone happy. i'm talking abt in general though. there are some exceptions :/