Last day of term 2!
Haha today was quite fun. Mr Teh was very nice:) first 3 hrs were normal lessons. Then we had CLL party! Each of us brought a bit of food and partied with the teachers. It was really fun! And the food were very nice :) We're all great cooks haha. Zhang lao shi, Lin lao shi and Ren lao shi came and ate too. They were very nice. Lin lao shi let us push back lesson by half an hour so that we can finish eating XD Yay! We should do that more often haha.
And after school went to celebrate Angelia's birthday at United Square. Gabriel went too! Super long nv see him already. We made a prata cake for her. The process of getting her there blindfolded was a tedious one for Caroline but was super funny and entertaining haha.
Start of June holidays. Start of mugging for block test 2 :/