Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.
Shut out all your regrets except that which will help you weather your tomorrows.
Today's message was good.
I am going to study hard! I know I've said this like a few thousand times already.
But today I realised that surrendering all to God is not only just saying then waiting for God to do something. I must also do my part.
And also, I have not been making full use of my gifts. This may sound ego but I know that I am actually rather capable. But somehow I've been telling myself that I cannot do this cannot do that. And I really end up not achieving anything.
Living for God means that I need to make full use of the gifts and talents that God gave me to glorify him. And I will. Because he did not give them to me for me to waste them away. There's a purpose and reason for everything.
Do the possible and trust God to do the impossible.
Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.